Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Ever-Expanding Waistline

Oh sadness. I feel that I am on such a downward and slippery slope here. Though my eating habits are not superb (I am easily talked into eating bad things), I have been eating better than I used to. Yet I am still expanding... and not in a happy way. I dare not weigh myself right now. I shudder to think of what I am at right now. Hopefully not larger than when I started this venture, but I can't be sure. /sigh

So Lent is upon us. And though Christian, I do not usually give up something for the 40 days and 40 nights. However, this year I figured I should and will. However, there are contingencies to my idea. I am nixing the use of elevators. The contingency is if I'm with my roommate who has an injured foot and thus cannot take the stairs. I'm also giving up "multiple caffeine sources" per day. Meaning I am limited to only one coffee or soda a day. I would get rid of it completely but honestly I can't manage the withdraw headaches at the moment. I know that's not the point of Lent at all, but it's a smaller concession that I can handle for the time being.

Is anyone else celebrating Lent? If so, by all means feel free to share. :)

And any tips for a non-work-out gal would be great. <3
