Hi there. It's the 3rd day of 2011 and I need to make a change. I'm starting this blog for my own personal benefit. I doubt anyone else will read it and that's fine. I have a blog for my friends to read about my day to day life. This one is different. This is my weight-loss and fitness blog. This will also be where I vent about cleaning up and cleaning out the mess in my life and home.
My New Year's Resolution was to "trim the fat" from my life. That consists of losing weight, toning up, simplifying my living space and streamlining my schedule so life is a bit easier to manage. My issue with resolutions is that I rarely keep them for more than a week. Thus, this is my kick in the ass to stay on track.
For background here is what we are working with:
- I am 25 years old and an incoming PhD student in Higher Education. I teach college Communication classes at a public university and community college.
- I am 5'6" and currently weigh around 170 lbs which is the largest I have EVER been.
- I am out of shape. I'm not fat and not skinny, but I'm displeased with the reflection in the mirror. I am also a chronic pack rat. I need to clean up and clean out!
If anyone wants to read this blog they are open to do so. And if you have any tips along the way please feel free to share. This is just one young woman sharing her journey in finding balance and simplicity.
~ M
Hey there i wanna start off with a CONGRATS. It's a big step wanting to adjust and actually work at it. Some walk and most talk. Your a Walker. I'll be checking in on your progress and offer as much encouragement as i can :). GOOD LUCK nah luck has nothing to do with it, GOOD JOB your doing it.........
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! What's your name?
Cheers. You will absolutely enjoy the journey!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are a lovely person and this time next year you will be running races!!!!
I know it for a fact!!!