Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week One and Done

Who has two thumbs and lost about 4lbs this week?!

That's right... THIS GUY!

I had my weekly weigh in for Weight Watchers (WW) and I am down 4 pounds! Yay! I would call that a very successful first week. :)

So now I lose a point a day, so I'm down to 31. I think the big struggle is dinners. I'm slowly figuring out what is good faster food for lunches and breakfast... and thank God my morning coffee is only 1-2 points (depending on creamer). But dinners still push me to the edge of my points or leave me hungry.

Any recipe ideas?!


Saturday, March 24, 2012


If you're ever on GMU's campus behind a rather large blonde girl who is panting and wheezing... chances are it's me. And chances are I just got off a flight of stairs. :) I'm taking this new diet plan seriously, and I've figured out that if I ever want to eat good food again I need to be more active. Thus, I've been trudging up and down stairs everywhere at work. I walk three flights down a parking deck, three flights up to the office, three flights down to teach, three flights up the parking deck again. And obviously my apartment is one floor up, so I always take those. And yes, this sounds silly talking about walking up stairs as exercise. But when you're overweight, every bit helps out. I do need to walk more around campus or my complex, I just need better shoes.

Ideas to make my feet feel happy? :)


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Holy Banana Batman!

Thank God for fruits and veggies or I'd pretty much starve. I'm not uber complaining about WW because I actually get a good deal of points to work with! The problem is that moment when you search for a food you REALLY want to eat and see how many points it is. /sigh. The good news is yesterday I was able to order sushi and gobble up two rolls for very few points! :)

But yes, back to bananas. I love fruit and I do in fact love veggies (I just happen to like chocolate, meat, cheese and breads a lot more). So to see that they don't cost points makes me squeal!!! I think that's going to have to be my keep me sorta full until my next meal plan. So I need more fruit and veggies. The PROBLEM... they are soo expensive up here! SHEESH! I want a townhouse more and more so I can plant a vegetable garden...


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Annnnd here we go again...

Starting Fat Awareness ... I mean, Weight Watchers.

Wish me luck, and expect more posts again. I just got a 3 month subscription, so let's see what I can do in 90 days.

Regular Points: 32/day
Weekly Points Plus: 49/week

I'm starting with a short-term 5% weight loss goal. Which should put me around 185.. good God when did I get so big :(

