Friday, February 25, 2011

Shame on Me!

I've been so slack lately about ANY blogging. My sincere apologies for those who hang on to every word. <--- sarcasm.

Life has been good but busy as of late. And I've been eating burgers. Before you scold me too much, hear me out. I've been VERY good with my standard calorie count per day. I got calculated to consume around 1,350 calories every day, which I've stuck to for weeks. I did, however, recently take a trip to Chicago to visit the boy. The 2nd thing I like going to Chicago for is Culver's burgers. They're a midwest thing so I NEVER get them here. They're so nasty and so delicious! The 3rd thing I like going to Chicago for is Nuts on Clark Popcorn at the airport. Delish. So this week I'm trying to make up for my missteps over the past weekend.

I also need to get back on board with the blog. My dear friend LaKesha has started steering me back to center. She and I are both registered for Lose It which is a self tracking weight lose/diet website.

It's great because you can post to buddies' walls for motivation. It's essentially an online food and fitness tracker. I just need to be vigilant about posting updates. I urge any of my buddies who are also dieting or changing eating habits to log on and look me up! I'm listed through my gmail account.

And for the fast food lovers much like myself... when you do fall off the proverbial wagon... at least get these:


1 comment:

  1. I'm on Loseit, too! my momma and daddums made me sign up with them last month. It's FUN! my brother and his wife are on it now, too, and I'm trying to get my sisters involved, as well! I just sent you and LaKesaha a friend request, if you want to add me for extra moral support.

