Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Articles Like This Give Me Hope

... and cravings!

I love myYahoo!. It gives me tons of different news stories and editorials to scroll through. Naturally I read the news and entertainment crap for... well... entertainment. And then I also check out all health articles and recipes! For all you ladies (and gentlemen) who share a sweet tooth, here is our saving grace:

10 Smart Cures for Your Sweet Tooth

I'm a salty and sweet fiend. You know... the best of both worlds. I crave both usually around the same time. Tonight I was good. A small cup of pistachios and a Special K snack bar (Chocolate Chip). Tomorrow I'll have to fill you all in on Kristen (roomie) and my epic grocery shopping journey to find healthy food on a budget. Some things were great and some we really had to sink money in.


~ M


  1. Ok, so I started this new workout DVD on Tuesday. It's Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's 20 minutes long, but it's also intense. The online reviews are amazing, and I am feeling it in muscles I didn't know I had after only two days. You might hate me for recommending it, but it seems to really be working on me already... $9 at Walmart.

  2. You should check out Mark Bittman's book "Food Matters"... might be a good next direction for you. It looks amazing.

    Also, co-ops and other places with bulk food sections are a great place to get cheaper healthy food.

    Good luck!

    Oh, P.S. get a hoola hoop! They're awesome for you and SUPER fun!
